The Manchester Parent/Teacher/Student Organization was created to provide support BY and FOR our Manchester community. This support is provided through both volunteerism and program funding.
Parents, teachers, and students are encouraged to join. Your membership dues contribute to each of the following:
Student programs & incentives (Boys’ and Girls’ State, IDP Program, etc.)
School grounds and classroom improvements (for example, new microphones for the auditorium)
Teacher supplies and appreciation efforts
Parent, student, and teacher recognition awards
Senior scholarship awards
You can pay by cash or check. Please print and return the membership form linked to this page and return it to the school office along with payment for each membership you are purchasing. You can make checks payable to “Manchester HS PTSO”.
Membership Dues:
Parent/Guardian – $10
Faculty – $10
Student – $5
*Memberships can be paid via Paypal using the account @manchesterptso
Sign up today and be a part of all the fun – there are lots of ways to get involved. We can’t do it without you!
Parents of seniors are particularly encouraged to join – in order for a student to be eligible to apply for the Koste Character Scholarship, the student or one of their parents/guardians must be a PTSO member by December 31, 2020.
PTSO Facebook Page
If you haven’t done so already, like us on Facebook and stay “in the know” about PTSO events, happenings, and volunteer opportunities.
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
Contact us at
Notices/links are typically posted on the PTSO Facebook page at or contact us at for more information.
All members (students, teachers, and parents) are welcome!